Keynote speech is one of the main ways all kinds of organizations show themselves to the world, and in the eyes of the audience, keynote speakers are the voice and the face of the company. From Sir Richard Branson to Steve Jobs, people from all walks of life develop the drive and the confidence to get up on a podium and transmit their message to the world.
The wrong person onstage, however, is a PR disaster waiting to happen. The quality of a keynote speech can make the difference between people looking at their watches and yawning, to active participants asking questions. If you’re looking forward to talking to an audience or planning an event, going in prepared should be the first thing on your mind.
What are the qualities to look out for in a keynote speaker?
Here are the qualities to look out for in a keynote speaker :
- Understands the purpose of the keynote speech
- Captivates the audience
- Reliability
- Confidence
- Creativity
- Charisma
- Stage acumen
- Personal experience
- Little to no stage props
- Adaptability
1. Understands the purpose of the keynote speech
Someone once said that a good speech is like a pencil because it needs to have a point to be useful. A keynote speech is never organized without a purpose in mind. Be it at an academic conference, an industry convention, or even a political rally, a keynote speech always has two main objectives to fulfill:
- The establishment and development of the overall tone of the event. Someone can’t call themselves a decent keynote speaker if they can’t influence the general mood of the audience. Keynote speakers must know when to be a fun, motivational speaker and when to keep a calm, more serious attitude. Furthermore, they must have the presence to transmit those moods to the public.
- The conveyance of the main themes and revelations of the event. A keynote speech is meant to communicate the key themes the event planner wishes to express. If, for example, the event is the launch of a new product, it is the keynote speaker’s role to show the new model to the world, while also understanding enough about it to give a stimulating and inspiring speech about it.
2. Captivates the audience
The audience is prone to react to the energy of the speaker, and the wrong energy will generate disinterest and boredom. If the audience is bored, then they will not pay attention. Core messages of the event may be disregarded and any exciting revelation that the event planner wished to communicate will go through one ear and out of the next. On the other hand, a too fierce stage persona can distract from the content of the address.
Something that differentiates a sub-par speaker from a great public speaker is the latter’s ability to read the audience. Depending on the mood of the room, they can increase or decrease the vigor of their performance, thereby providing the right context to capture the audience’s attention and keep the keynote speech engaging throughout.
3. Reliability
It is only logical that a keynote speaker must be someone you can trust. However, trustworthiness goes beyond being well-mannered and responsible. In this case, trust also means giving an outward feeling of credibility. People can tell the difference between an authentic speaker and one that gives off the wrong emotions when onstage.
Credibility can be conveyed in many ways. The more traditional method of finding a credible keynote speaker is by looking for someone whose achievements speak for themselves. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean that said person is ready to speak to an audience. A professional speaker, in turn, will learn enough about the subjects at hand to provide a concise summary, using their showmanship skills to enhance the speech.
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4. Confidence
A great stage actor can create an all-encompassing aura around a theater. They have the physical language to capture eyes and can impose their voices so that even those on the back row can feel the emotion. A successful keynote speaker must be ready to get up on stage or in front of a screen and project the same kind of energy a stage actor does.
A great speaker’s voice doesn’t necessarily have to sound like Frank Sinatra. The most basic aspects of public speech are for the speech to be clear and to make proper use of vocal imposition. Just as in a musical performance, vocal imposition is a set of techniques to improve one’s usage of their vocal cord and breathing during a performance.
5. Creativity
The same phrase delivered in two different ways can have a drastic effect on its meaning, and a great keynote speaker can shape his/her language to induce intrigue, laughter, or contemplation. Their unique perspectives allow them to play with the contents of their speech and easily come up with new ways of conveying messages on the fly.
A professional speaker must be ready to change his attitude and style of presenting to fit the situation. Depending on the industry they’re participating in, they may have to adapt and reorganize the way they present key themes. Many things can go wrong during a keynote speech, and a decent keynote speaker should be able to quickly fill in the void with an impromptu remark or solution.
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6. Charisma
Sometimes it is not the words we say but how we say them that leaves an impression on people. Having a charming demeanor can inspire others and it is widely recognized as one of the essential qualities of a leader. Since public speaking requires one to lead a group of people with the use of their voice and attitude, an excellent keynote speaker greets their audience with the smile of a friend.
In the same vein, good keynote speakers know when it is the right time to crack a joke. A bit of humor can add some levity to even the most mundane of subjects. A break-up in the monotony helps keep the public engaged, and some messages are transmitted better when done so accompanied with a laugh.
7. Stage acumen
Not only must a good keynote speaker rally the crowd, but they must also have an eye on the clock. Events and conferences have schedules to adhere to and goals to fulfill. If, for instance, a keynote speaker over-stretches his speech, they may be taking time away from a guest speaker or any other activity scheduled by the meeting planners. It can also be the case that a public speaker must cover up while somebody else gets ready.
Being well-paced is also about the way one speaks. Nervousness or inexperience can cause one to stutter, lose his train of thought, start repeating the same phrases, and many other inconveniences that may cause further discomfort. Clear-headedness and articulate speech are indispensable traits in a successful keynote speaker.
8. Personal experience
Everybody loves a good story. A good keynote speaker can open up and talk about situations from their personal life that will add up to the content of their speech. Maybe they had a conversation with their mom on the phone the other day and their conversation is a perfect analogy for the theme at hand. Personal stories help the audience better relate to a keynote speaker.
Quality keynote speakers know what memories are worth sharing and when it is best to do so. One could, without noticing, over-share or deviate the conversation to turn into a speech about themselves. A good keynote speaker always keeps in mind that public speaking is about reaching the goals and objectives outlined by the event planner, and will thereby not deviate the talk too much.
9. Little to no stage props
The main tools of an outstanding keynote speaker are a great voice and attitude. While it is common, and sometimes even expected, for keynote speeches to be accompanied by audiovisual material, this should always be used as a tool and never as a crutch.
More often than not, the information displayed during keynote speeches contains large bodies of text or does not concisely reflect the main themes of the presentation. It is the job of a good keynote speaker to provide an easily understandable summary of the text, and didactic material should be used to support and reinforce key ideas. If several details must be exposed, then a good keynote speaker will include them in the content of their speech.
10. Adaptability
In recent years, trends have shifted and virtual solutions are available to meeting planners. Usage of pre-recorded video in an online ecosystem may sound like a more straightforward method of transferring a keynote speech, but there are always occasions where it is better to experience events live.
A great deal of times events are broadcasted to an online audience at the same time as a live one, as is the case with international conferences and concerts. Virtual events have the advantage of allowing people from all over the world to be guests, but that comes with its own series of challenges to overcome, such as guests speaking in different languages.
Fortunately, professional speakers tend to work with experts in communication technology. This ensures that regardless of the method used to host the event, the sound will reach its audience so that the information can be shared professionally.